An Introduction

November 7, 2013 § 1 Comment

This is space for survivors to share their stories – survivors of sexual assault, rape, molestation, domestic violence, abuse. There are wonderful organizations that provide support groups and discussion boards and therapeutic exercises for survivors. This is something different. Hopefully.

This is where you tell your truth. Where you can say – this shit happened, it’s fucked up, but I survived. You can share your rage, or your sorrow, or your guilt, or your pain. And we can witness it. We can read, we can know, we can spread your story, we can amplify your voice.

Think of this as a megaphone, a soap box, a room where you can scream as long as you want.

Comments will be strictly monitored. There won’t be victim blaming or shaming. There won’t be rape apologists or abuse supporters. There won’t be threats of violence or disbelief. I have a delete button. I have a block button. I will use them.

I’ll post stories as I get them. I hope you come back to bear witness. There are survivors everywhere – this is their space.

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